Things about me
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Me! am human of course! no doubt! so I eat, drink and sleep like MOST of u people! I luv swimmin, roller bladin and football! duuh!!! Reading iz one of ma favourite things, specially reading Mickey!!! hehe! All people say am hyper active,(which i think iz a good thing). am alwayz cheerful,luv 2 laugh and have alwayz hated ultra serious people! am in2 music, in fact i'll do n e thing 4 music; it's da reason i can still breathe...
i waz born @ Egypt but i came 2 abu dhabi(UAE) when i waz 17 dayz old...i lived there most of ma life. till i shifted to am at Egypt for higher education!!

The History or Story Behind My Site
i didnt specify n e topic 4 ma site, it's just a normal site, it has sum of ma so called poetry and pictures of ma fav. singers and friends! umm...yeah i think dat raps it!

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